Friday, August 31, 2012
What you'll look like
Today I was looking at a friends photos of her little girl and I was amazed at the similarities and just how much she looked like her mom and dad and I started thinking about how you will look. Will you more resemble your mom or me? Will you have blue eyes like your mom and have her smile? Will your grow to be tall like the both of us? Will you have my ears? (let's hope not :-) I can't wait to find out all these things. It's so amazing thinking about how you are growing inside your mommy's tummy and all your little features are developing. The creation of life truly is a miracle!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Name Game
So I was thinking about some names for you that your mom and I had discussed a few months back and the name that I really like is "Talia". I think it's a very pretty name. It has a few varying meanings: "Dew of God", "Female Lamb", and "Dew from Heaven" or "Heaven's Dew". I really, really, really like this name so, my fingers are crossed. Time to start persuading your mom ;-)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
My little baby Girl
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Son or Daughter?
All day long I have been thinking about you. I can't wait to find out if you will be my son or daughter. Hopefully I will find out soon. The thought of being your dad is starting to sink in more and more. I promise you that no matter what happens in life I will always be there for you. I love you!! - Daddy
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Breaking the news
May 5th, 2012 was the day that we broke the news
to my parents. I was so nervous to tell
them because I wasn’t sure what they would say, especially since my girlfriend
and I were not married. In order to
build up some courage, my girlfriend and I went to Miguel’s Cantina in
Rochester (since it was Cinco de Mayo) and I had myself a few margaritas :). Sometimes a little liquid courage does the
trick. I was still in shock from the
news a few days ago but it was a good kind of shock. While we were at dinner we came up with the
idea of getting my parents an ice cream cake and having a message written on it
(see photo below). When we got to my
parents house the nerves kicked in. My
parents never really thought that I would actually have kids. As a matter of fact, just a few days before
we decided to break the news, they told me that they actually had a discussion
between the two of them about it. They
figured that since my girlfriend was really trying to pursue women’s
bodybuilding/ figure competitions, and the fact that while I was married to my
ex wife the thought of kids was at the very back of our minds and we always
side stepped the questions when asked, they came to terms that my sisters would
be probably be the only ones to give them grandchildren (my middle sister has 2
kids already). Anyway, we walked in the
door with the cake and told them that it was a very special cake and that they
would love the flavor. I set the cake
down and my parents came over to read what it said. For me, in that moment, time stood still. As they read the cake, they stopped for a
second and had to do a double take. All of
a sudden both my parents started getting teary.
They couldn’t believe the news. They
were so shocked & happy and I was relieved that the news was now out. After we all hugged each other my sister and
brother in law and their 2 kids came walking in and we then broke the news to
them. I’ll tell you, when my sister
found out, she was ecstatic. Even my
brother in law was thrilled. I actually
think I saw a tear or two from him.

Thursday, August 2, 2012
I'm going to be a Daddy
I'm going to back track a bit to May 3rd, 2012. This was the day that I found out that I was going to be a daddy. Now that week was a little bit stressful because my girlfriend was a few days late having her period. I tried not to focus too much on it though and was trying to be as comforting as I could, reassuring her that it would eventually come and our worries would be gone. Anyway, on that Thursday (may 3rd), I had just finished cutting the lawn and was getting ready to stop by my rental property to turn on the sprinkler system. I had asked my girlfriend if she wanted to go with me however, she decided to stay home. On my way down to the house the thought of possibly being pregnant crept into my mind and I thought about the "what if's". The more I thought about it, the more scared I got, so I quickly switched my thoughts to something else. I arrived at the rental house, turned on the sprinkler system, addressed some minor repairs, said my goodbyes, and headed back home. I think I was there for about an hour and a half. When I got home I was in for the surprise of my life. On the counter was a black gift bag. Instantly, my first thought was that it was a trick. In the bag I was expecting some sort of pregnancy test that would be there to scare me at first, but then I would soon hear the "I got you!!, Were not pregnant, I finally got my period". Instead, the events that unfolded over those few minutes were caught on hidden camera. Check out the video below and see what was inside that bag!.....And yes, I eventually did kiss her, LOL.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Mothers and
Fathers each go through the pregnancy of their child in their own unique
way. A mother begins to form her own special
bond with her unborn baby right from the start. Fathers on the other hand,
don't get to experience this journey quite like a mother does. So, in an
effort to form my own special bond with my unborn child, I thought I would
start an online journal and document my own personal thoughts & experiences
throughout the pregnancy of our baby.
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